The Ostbevern municipal administration is to develop significantly in terms of corporate culture, leadership quality and organisational structure in order to improve its attractiveness as an employer and at the same time increase trust, motivation, commitment, cooperation, identification, customer focus, efficiency, speed and citizen service. These were the objectives of the newly elected mayor Karl Piochowiak, with which he approached the noventum team in 2022.
In the digital change project "Future Image", genua GmbH relies on a modern way of working: Hybrid project management, a high degree of self-organisation, participative decision-making and the accompaniment of change in the company from the very beginning characterise the complex project. Due to the strong further development of the company in the past years, the requirements have changed - among others for the IT core system. In order to meet the ambitious objectives, a large-scale project is being set up that will trigger a transformation in the company at various levels, which will be accompanied by strong change management in the project from the very beginning. In addition, the project is characterised by a high level of employee engagement, an agile to hybrid methodology, a participative approach as well as flexibility to manage the high level of complexity. The common thread besides the strong performance in the project - noventum.